In a terrible turn of events, Aru Carnall's home is attacked, and his sister, who holds all seven abilities of an Adjutator, is taken captive. Aru, a bookworm and the son of a Councilor who has never had to use his powers before is determined to find the culprits and save his sister. However, in a small flicker of hope, he soon discovers that six other people, who have no notable backgrounds except being distantly related to nobility, have also been kidnapped. As if that weren't enough, a gang of thugs runs rampant in the streets, stirring up rebellion among the overworked steel mill workers. All the while, the Alvonian Council spends all day arguing, ignoring the needs of the people, and fighting to secure power for themselves in a city that is falling from grace.
With his sister's life on the line, Aru must act fast, learn how to master his abilities as a Bondsman, and manipulate people's emotions. He must also learn to lead and command a group of Adjutants, each with their own set of skills, sight, strength, speed, the strength to bolster and take away powers and the ability to change their form and command gravity, to solve this mystery and bring justice to those who are responsible.